tipe kepribadian, jenis kelamin, gaya kognitif, dan gaya keputusan mempengaruhi pengembangan sistem pendukung keputusan



Question: Explain how personality type, gender, cognitive style, and decsion style are related. How might these concepts affect the development of decision support systems?

Answer :

Personality Types:
  • Their is a strong relationship between personality and decision-making.
  • Personality types influences general orientation toward goal attainment, selection of alternatives, treatment of risk, and reactions under stress.
  • Personality affect a decision-maker ability to process large quantities of information, time pressure, and reframing. It influences the rules and communication patterns of individual decision-maker.

  • There are gender differences and gender similarities in decision-making, including factors such as boldness, quality, ability, risk-taking attitudes, and communication patterns.
  • Men are more inclined to take risks than women.
  • It is unwise to characterize either males or females as better or worse decision-makers
  • Both genders may take decisions in different ways and have different information style preferences.
  • Cognition theory
  • Cognition is the set of activities by which a person resolves differences between an internalize view of the environment and what actually exists in the environment (the ability to perceive and understand information).

Cognitive style
  • The subjective process through which people perceive, organize, and change information during the decision-making process (management style). It is important because it determines a person’s preference for the human-machine interface.
  • When a DSS or any information system matches a manager’s cognitive style, the DSS is more effective.
  • Cognitive styles affect preferences for qualitative and quantitative analysis as well as for decision-making aids.
  • It affects the way an individual frames a decision-making situation so to understand it better.
  • A frame provides the context within which information is used and different frames put the focus on different kinds of information.

Decision Style
  • The manner in which decision-makers think and react to problems, the way they perceive,  their cognitive response, and how values and beliefs vary from individual to another and from situation to another.
  • Personality temperament affect decision style.
  • Decision styles can be analytic and altercative, or consultative (with others) and heuristic.

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